“S.A.D.” eating – that’s Standard American Diet for short – is fueling disease and debilitating health problems absolutely unheard of just 50 or 100 years ago.
The obesity epidemic, metabolic slowing, diabetes, heart disease and more…recent research tied the top 4 causes of death in the United States to the American Diet.
And everywhere you turn, people are advocating a return to “Real Food.”
For good reason too. Real Food works.
(you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t already know that)
But saying you’ll start a “real food” diet and actually doing it are two very different things.
Part of the issue is what I mentioned above…
What we think is healthy, real-food eating, isn’t always “good for you.”
And, on top of the diet misconceptions most people have, we aren’t always “trying to eat healthy” anyway, are we?
But I’m not here to lecture you about bad habits or that diet detour you went on in your 20s that turned the convenience of college and late night binges into extra inches and a straggling metabolism.
I’ve been there and done that—moving away to where everything to eat is just down the street, saying goodbye to healthy, nourishing real-food, and then struggling to get back to it…
And I’d be happy to take you by the hand and personally guide you to “eating healthy” again.
But before I show you how, you need to know…
The facts, figures, and reports are very clear (and all too real).
For 100 years food quality has declined, food education has declined, and we’ve gone from “at home natural garden to table” lifestyles to fast, factory food made from contaminated produce, sick animals, and companies who don’t care.
The evidence is all around us…
But until you are where I was just a few years ago, diagnosed with hypothyroidism and then Hashimoto’s Disease, struggling with an immune system fighting against me and only inflammation, adrenal fatigue, and lack of energy to look forward to…
That’s when the true “diet detour” Americans have been on starts to take hold.
Because in that moment, you decide to DO SOMETHING about your health—embracing a return to real food and breaking out of the deadly additive-aided eating habits tearing away at our health, energy, and lives.
Time to go shopping, right?
So you go out to the store, perhaps prepared to spend a fortune on fresh, and start shopping “right” only to ask yourself…
Here’s what I mean…
Visit the grocery store in your mind right now…
Beyond the stacks of carts and through the sliding doors, picture produce bins filled to the brim with shiny red apples, just beyond are the florescent lit walls of green vegetables, covered in a fine mist…
Ask yourself as you stand and select produce…
Or head over to the meat case and consider…
Even as you head to the “organic section” in an effort to eat “Real Food” and think…
Today, “fresh” really means “fresh from the factory.” And unless you really know what you’re looking for, it’s hard to avoid the struggle (and expense) of finding real food.
You see the labels everywhere…
Here’s a quick way to understand why the practice of “Real Food” buzz words on processed, really only fresh from the factory foods are so common…
The answer is money.
There’s a TON of money in hype: An entire industry devoted to trying to get you to pay as much as possible for “real food” and then not holding up their end of the “deal.”
Now it’s 100% true that…
But what’s also true is that the biggest, most-profitable mega-corporations in the world understand your struggle…
They can see the trend toward real food and it only puts dollar signs in the eyes of the companies stocking your grocery store shelves.
And like most of the food industry, regulations are poor (or completely non-existent).
Which means…
Big brands can use these “Real Food” buzzwords like all-natural just to steal your money without giving you what your BODY NEEDS.
And as a result, your trip to the grocery store in search of solutions to the metabolic disease epidemic, the lack of energy, and vitality becomes a stressful struggle to navigate a world of false hope and unfulfilled promises.
Today, I want to help you break out of this mess and show you why…
It’s important to remember: None of this is your fault.
Our collective dietary detour over the last 100 years was a social change, not an individual choice you made.
All of the inflammatory diseases, metabolic disorders, weight gain and more…none of it is your fault. It’s the result of an industry mislabeling food, encouraging unhealthy choices, and the breakneck speed of our lives keeping us in the dark.
Yes, it’s hard to break away from the processed food nightmare you’re living in.
But if you take away nothing else from this post, understand: it is possible to find real food and it’s not too late to change your diet.
Yes, for most people it’s a stressful struggle and search for actually natural “real foods,” but because I believe food should not be a source of stress, here’s what I’m willing to do…
Hi There!
If you don’t know me already, my name is Jessica and I’m a Real Food Wellness Educator, Health Advocate, and the founder of DeliciousObsessions.com, JessicaEspinoza.com, and 20Dishes.com.
Our online community has become a go-to resource for Real Food education, striving to help more people break away from over processed foods and embrace the natural foods their bodies crave.
Today, I’d like you to take you by the hand and help you solve the “Real Food” puzzle…
…introducing you step-by-step to the diet trends destroying your body and guiding you toward a delicious, healthy, Real Food diet.
And you’re not going to have to do it alone.
I’ll be your personal guide, taking your hand and helping through every step of your whole health journey as you discover…
All inside the complete introduction to Real Food:
Inside of Real Food 101, you’ll learn exactly why the food you put in your body is so important and how it is keeping you from living life to the fullest.
Much more than the latest statistics and clinical research, Real Food 101 gives you access to applied knowledge—real Kitchen-Tested Techniques—you can use to transform the way you fuel your body overnight.
I’ll show you, step-by-step and page-by-page how small diet changes and food choices can have a big impact on…
All as you break away from the “Standard American Diet” (S.A.D.) responsible for so many of the health problems we’re suddenly now seeing in the western world.
No matter what your goals are…
…I guarantee the advice and detailed guidance I’ll share inside Real Food 101 will help you achieve the goals you have for your body all because…
Real Food 101 Makes Healthy, Natural Eating Easier Than Ever Before Thanks To…
All collected from my personal experience fighting against hypothyroidism, inflammatory disease, autoimmune issues and more…
PLUS the collected wisdom I’ve gained working with the Delicious Obsession community as a Real Food Wellness Educator.
As you read Real Food 101, you’ll be able to follow links to my favorite resources, natural living information, personal brand guides, and much more.
I’ll show you where to get (for FREE) 100s of tried-and-true, kitchen-tested recipes—all of them easy to make entire family pleasers that only use affordable real food ingredients…
You’ll be able to follow my brand lists as “shopping shortcuts” so you won’t need to spend hours in the store reading labels…
And you’ll be able to quickly do your own research using the dozens of helpful real food resources included inside.
Everything I’ve included is designed to help make this transition as easy, simple, and stress-free as possible. All so you can…
There’s no reason to keep letting the food you eat destroy your health, energy, and quality of life…
Look, I’ve been to the absolute breaking point and (if you’re not there already) you don’t want your health to fall that far. I know exactly how difficult it is to bounce back after over-processed foods have overtaken your life.
That’s why I created Real Food 101.
This is a passion project for me—a labor of love I’m using to share my story, my advice, and my Real Food recommendations with you.
Research-backed, real-world tested, and approved in my own kitchen…
I promise that you’ll be able to affordably break free from the diet holding you back and get back to the foods your body is begging for.
All you have to do is click below and claim your copy of Real Food 101. Every day you decide to keep eating the Standard American Diet filled with over-processed, pesticide rich, GMO-fueled foods is another day your body cries out for health and fights against you.
Today you have the opportunity to introduce your body to exactly how easy, affordable, and health-rich Real Food can be.
Click below now to get instant digital access and re-take control of your health!
Don’t wait!
Real Food 101 ($24.99) and the Real Food 101 Healthy Eating Bundle ($37.99) are available to help you and your family eat better and live better. Explore the options below to see which is the right fit for your family!
Your investment today will save you dozens of hours of research time later once you decide the S.A.D. diet trends you’ve been following all these years have finally gone too far.
But you need to click “Get Instant Digital Access” below right now and order—that’s if you’re ready to change your health right now or you’re planning on doing it “later” because this introductory price won’t be available for long.
Changing my own diet was by far the best decision I ever made and I am confident that you will agree. Take 14 days to read this information and if you are not 100% satisfied that you have received life-transforming information, then I’ll refund your money with no questions asked.
I’m confident that you will eat and feel 100% better, or I will give you 100% of your money back!
To YOUR Health and Wellness!
Real Food Wellness Educator and Founder of Delicious Obsessions
P.S. You have a full 14 days to read this information and if you’re not 100% satisfied with Real Food 101, I’ll refund your money back with no questions asked.
What Do I Get?
Real Food 101: Practical Tips for Healthy Eating is a beautifully designed, full color eBook that is over 60 pages long. Real Food 101 is packed with practical and easy-to-implement information all designed to help YOU change your diet without getting overwhelmed, frustrated, or without breaking the bank. You also get three amazing bonus ebooks (a $30 value) called Gluten-Free Flours 101, Natural Sweeteners 101, and Coconut Ingredients 101.
The Real Food 101 Healthy Eating Bundle includes one copy of Real Food 101: Practical Tips for Healthy Eating, one copy of The Real Food 101 Companion Cookbook, and three amazing bonus ebooks (a $30 value) called Gluten-Free Flours 101, Natural Sweeteners 101, and Coconut Ingredients 101.
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No, this book is not a traditional printed book. This is a digital book which means when you purchase your copy, you receive a link to download the book. This book is professionally designed and can easily be printed off if you would like a printed version.
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The ebook will be available as a PDF file which you can read on your computer, tablet, smartphone, or any other mobile device. To view on a Kindle/iPad simply download the Adobe app and then view the PDF. Learn more here on Amazon.
What is Your Refund Policy?
You have a full 14 days to read this information and if you’re not 100% satisfied that you have received life-changing real food information then I’ll refund your money back with no questions asked.